Monday 13 August 2012

Six weeks to go

I have found that my spelling and grammar has actually got worse the more pregnant I become.

I reckon it’s because little Parfitt is using up all my useful brain cells for growing. I do find I have to concentrate a lot harder at the moment, although that’s probably down to tiredness more than anything else.

After being told that they wanted to check his growth I went back to the hospital for another scan only to be told I’d been booked in too early and that they wouldn’t be able to tell anything from the results.

I ended up going back a week ago on Friday and seeing the sonographer again (my sixth scan) to be told the doctor had worried us unnecessarily and that baby is growing well and is absolutely fine.

He weighed about 3lbs 6ozs then so I’m hoping that means he’ll be between 7lbs and 8lbs when he’s born. I don’t fancy squeezing out anything bigger than that!

I also had a full glucose tolerance test after my gestational diabetes test came back with raised levels.

Fortunately, the test was fine and I haven’t developed diabetes, so I can carry on stuffing the doughnuts into my gob.

Actually, I need to stop doing that. I have developed a really sweet tooth and have been craving a lot of chocolate and sugar, which is not something that bothered me before I knew I was expecting him.

We also started NCT classes a few of weeks ago. There are six couples, including us, and it’s been really nice to meet people who are due to have babies around the same time and to talk about the stuff that’s worrying us all.

Everyone in the class is lovely and we’ve learned a lot of interesting and useful stuff. To anyone who is in two minds about doing NCT classes I would say it’s well worth the £160 we forked out for it.

It’s also made me address the fact that I’ve actually got to give birth.

I know it sounds daft but I hadn’t really equated the fact that the bump I am sporting is a person that’s got to come out of me.

Although he is moving so much now and I quite often see bits of him poking out all over the place which makes it more real. There are also really hard bits although I have no idea whether I’m touching his back, arm, head or leg when I prod it.

He’s probably getting really annoyed with being poked. He’s not a massive fan of scans and will kick out when he can feel something pressing down on him. I don’t blame him really, I’m not sure I’d appreciate being poked all the time.

Anyway, despite being told he’s growing well we have to go back for another scan at 36 weeks, which seems really pointless. But that’s what they’ve recommended so that’s what we’ll do.

This morning I had my 34-week appointment with the midwife. She can’t tell whether he’s still in the breech position or not, but his heartbeat was down towards my pelvis so hopefully that means he’s turning.

The midwife also commented on my massive swollen feet. A month ago they swelled up to three times their normal size and despite me sleeping with my legs raised every night and trying to put my feet up when I can, within five minutes of me walking around they are massive again.

It can be a sign of pre-eclampsia but I have normal blood pressure and no protein in my urine, plus no other symptoms, and baby’s fine, so it’s just one of those things.

I now only have two pairs of shoes that fit my feet – my Birkenstocks and a pair of black pumps – and I have resigned myself to the fact that my feet will not be back to their pre-pregnancy size until after he’s born.

Big feet I can cope with but they throb a lot and can be painful. My movement is also restricted by the swelling which is making it harder to get around. Long periods of driving makes them worse too.

I’ve started getting pins and needles in my fingers, which are also swollen. My wedding and engagement rings won’t budge. I should probably try and get them off before I have to have them cut off.

My tummy has also started itching like mad, particularly at night. I think it must be the skin stretching but it drives me insane at times. No stretch marks yet though, let’s hope it stays that way!

So now I only have six weeks and two days to go until my due date. We are so unprepared.

If you walked into our flat you would have no clue that we are having a baby unless you looked at the pile of stuff we have in the corner of our bedroom.

I am counting down the days to maternity leave as physically it is getting a lot harder to do my job when I have to travel around. I can’t walk up a hill without sounding like some sort of perv heavy breathing down a phone line.

My last working day is September 6 by which time I will be two and half weeks away from my due date. I can’t wait.


  1. Another lovely post! I should confess, however, I was munching noodles and had to stop reading for a minute when I got to "protein in my urine".

    1. Ha! Sorry about that. It's a warts and all account.

  2. My feet were horrifically swollen from about week 24 onwards. I say 'feet', what I really mean is the swelling started at my feet and went all the way up to my hips! Then skipped over most of my body to show up again in face and fingers. At week 32 my blood pressure suddenly shot up and the protein markers went sky high in a matter of days. Caitlyn was born as an emergency C-section at 32+5 due to the pre-eclampsia. Scary time, but it's all turned out ok.

    Make sure they're keeping an eye on your blood pressure, and if you haven't got the sticks to wee on at home, get a 'scrip for them asap. When it starts, it really does happen at full tilt. xx
